23 June 2009


2 tshirts, 1 jacket, and a pair of heels for under $14. practical theft. may I add that two of my purchases are still rockin the shoulder-padded look.

I showed my mom the jacket and I saw all faith and hope she ever had for me and my future visibly drain from her soul. this windbreaker is like no other I have seen in at least 15 years (my memory from age 3 is fucking sharp, especially if we're talking about a jacket of this caliber). teal, blue, red, and purple vomitted all over nylon and I bought it. I couldn't not.

I told Sarah we could share it next yr so she wouldn't have to be jealous.

the guy at fiskes's(ks'sk's'sk's?) gave molly and me free erasers.

then we watched the octopus man story.

so what I'm trying to say here is my day off was so glorious.

15 June 2009

mom found a beer cap on the countertop that I neglected to see, let alone throw away.

aka I'm gonna kill Pat. I would have gotten away with it.

in other news
I think I'm turning into a grandma because
1.) my neck and shoulders always hurt
2.) my driving has sucked so incredibly much lately. driving in the city the other day, I was almost beside myself
3.) being grouchy or maybe just always needing more sleep. either way.
4.) I'm slowly caring less and less about how I am physically presented to the general public
5.) working at the williams sonoma (with women who have grandchildren/are of grandma age)
6.) on saturday night, I stayed in and watched a show about tornadoes on the weather channel and "Hannah and Her Sisters" on demand. I'm not ashamed, it's just weird.

12 June 2009

not your average house party?

formula for success/a huge mess the next morning:

3 p's

pineapple (get drunk and take a bite)

peanut butter (leah chose chunky, that's fine)

and petting (because it's all good.)
puking also ensued, try to avoid that one.