28 November 2011

24 November 2011

vurry sleepy after thanksgivin. hope everyone had a day filled with love and food and pups like mine was!

17 November 2011

i got this email from the art department yesterday, seemingly addressed to me personally:

"This is just a clarification on your studio art minor requirements as this has caused some confusion. You can take an art history class to replace one of your 100-level studio art requirements,
But you CANNOT take a studio art class to replace the art history requirement. You have to take an art history class to fulfill your studio art minor degree requirements"

I responded:

"I have taken ARTH 005 as well as ARTH 006, so I was under the impression that those
requirements had been filled. Please let me know if there is still a problem as soon as
possible, as I am planning to graduate in the spring."

 THIS BITCH must have remembered that she hates her life because she sends out emails for a living:

"I am not sure why you think that there is a problem as you have taken art history
classes. This was sent to all minors, some of who thought they can skip the art history
requirement all together. Not directed at you personally.
 I am attaching the minor requirements sheets again."

 MY NAME was the only one on the recipients line. i am not being irrational. i already know the requirements because they're DONE.

after giving me that condescending bullshit to wrestle with (obviously made me so mad), she sent out a trite, clearly defined department-wide email:

"I want to clarify that this message was sent to all studio art minors."

ARTTTTT PEOPLEEEEEEEEEE. why can't everyone just be like christine campbell?
burlington yard sale. fyi one of those cassettes is YANNI.

14 November 2011

speaking of big weekends, the same haggard guy who asked me if i had any spare change outside Ri Ra on friday (none for him) came into work today, bought $20 worth of movies, and paid in quarters. BOLD.

10 November 2011

just wanted to let the world know in the gayest way possible that nose ring has finally gotten on my level after nearly 3 months of residence on the center of my face. i miss my keloid already.

09 November 2011

the other day i got an email from the hillel, subject line tells me its pertains to the HOLOCAST. come on.

07 November 2011

06 November 2011

security guard tellin me to either throw my drink away....or chug it.

this weekend more or less changed my attitude toward the state of florida.