27 May 2011


JOHN STAMOS? i can't explain the shirtlessness other than with the fact that he just walks around the house like that, but clearly there's a bigger issue at hand.

24 May 2011

what if i've been trying to get to where i've always been?
what if we've been trying to get to where we've always been?
simple math believe me, all is brilliant

what if it was true that all we thought was right, was wrong?
homeless man: can i hide these bottles in your house? i'll come get them later. would that bother you?
jenna: yeaaaah that'd bother me.

23 May 2011

"you could chop off a camel's hump and drink aaaaaall its milk!"

this guy has shown up to our building on multiple occasions just to dig through our trash. moving day is comin' up so he thinks he's hit the jackpot. he walked away with a cutting board and the drums from Rockband. his wife (not pictured) is sitting in an old minivan nearby. she looks like squidbillies came to life.

17 May 2011

now our lives are changing fast, hope that something pure can last.

16 May 2011

found this while going through some old things buried in my room. real life.

10 May 2011

06 May 2011

"Pseudo-events thrive on our honest desire to be informed, to have "all the facts," and even to have more facts than there really are." - Daniel Boorstin

05 May 2011

i just breathed through my nose for the first time in a while.

02 May 2011

looks like everyone had a weekend as big as mine because i'm seein' puke in the weirdest places today.