28 September 2011

which of the following is NOT a stage in the HSRC (human sexual response cycle) model?
a. excitement
b. plateau
c. orgasmic
d. regret
e. resolution


26 September 2011

23 September 2011

she makes me proud to be a Jenna

"i'm just so happy for you. i'm not having a rage stroke or anything."

watch out for space trash

 "if you see something the size of a bus hurdling toward you...just walk the other way."

this has been toby sacks with vital information for your everyday life.

10 September 2011

06 September 2011

i leave half finished cups of water all over the place. i'm turning into Bo from Signs. except my dog isn't gonna die because i'm not gonna leave him tied up outside during an alien invasion like a fuckin idiot.

01 September 2011

never thought i'd say these words, but i wish i was in florida right meow.